This page was created in the memory of Todd J. Reynolds, Ph.D. Please share with others your thoughts and memories of Todd here. You can reply to posts or send submissions to us at

Monday, July 7, 2008

Dr. Todd Reynolds 1971-2008 A Family's Prospective

Having had three weeks to reflect on the life and times of Todd, we wanted to share our experience with Todd with you’all.

“A mischievous, bright boy who was troubled with physical afflictions and maladies since birth.”

Memories by father and brothers of his childhood: Always in the pool, swimming, diving in with his hearing aids on. Doing a perfect Swan dive of the “cliff’s” at the Chattahoochee river. No one with superior physical health dare tried and few would even jump, feet first, Off the towering ledge.

Each year brought more affliction, at 2nd grade hearing aid was necessary, hearing loss complete by age 13. Cochlear implant at age 32.

Prescription eye glasses at six years of age. Detached retina and surgery at 18 years and then in the other eye at 19. Lens implants at age 21 both eyes. Legally blind at 21. Total darkness came the night before he passed away.

Balance, mobility problems and small stature of frame from grade school age. Growth shots given by Father three times per week for three years starting at age 9 through Emory Univeristy study. Started riding a scooter at 22years of age.

Todd never left school, his entire life was devoted to learning, straight out of highschool to Kennesaw College, to university of Alabama, brief stint at university of South Alabama, directly to University of Oklahoma and then to Syracuse University. None of us can recall any break in class time with many summer sessions attended as well.

As a family it was always difficult to “Let Him Go” knowing his condition and allowing him the independence to have a life tore at us all, Especially Todd.

K.S.U. no problem, it’s our back yard.

U.A. not a big deal every weekend a trip to the school and back to Atlanta, and all holidays, and school closings Todd was at home in Atlanta, no biggie, after all it’s only 300 miles round trip. We could be there in 4 hours any time.

O.U. you talk about Hard to” let him Go” I could get him there and settle him in, stay a couple weeks and come home to Atlanta. Best scenario , fly him home whenever possible, holidays etc. I flew out and stayed a couple weeks at a time when ever I could. The cochlear implant was in Oklahoma City.

S.U. this was a tuffie, we did not want him to go. Especially in the whirlwind of last min. planning.e feared his condition would not sustain another year at the pace he chose for himself.

Yet here we are , all of us , thanking God for his brief life here......all of us glad that we did “Let Him Go”

One who accomplished so much

If you knew Todd, then you know that he would have it no other way.

Fierce, determined, brilliant and By God he was gonna make it on his own! We remember getting reports from Al., through NY. He wont let the house keeper/aide/hired hand/ in the door....dismisses them , says he does not need any help. Was independent and accomplished his work. We thank all of you who “let Him Go” We are so glad we, against all family emotions, “Let Him Go” Todd viewed each and every one of us as FAMILY.

Thank You Family

Written By : Kellie Cosby

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